Posts filed under ‘English blogs’

Elevate Your LinkedIn Game: The Secret Weapon of Private Managers (2)

The benefits and practicalities of having a private LinkedIn Manager for a small business owner.

In my previous post we talked about the need for a private LinkedIn Manager. You are conviced, but want to know what this this means in practical terms? This is what I would do for you.

Initial Consultation: We will always begin by discussing goals, target audience, and content preferences. This sets the foundation for a tailored strategy.

Content Collaboration: Next step is for the business owner to provide the manager with topic ideas, industry insights, and key messages to incorporate into LinkedIn posts and articles. We will do a few test runs and regular check-ins to ensure alignment and quality control. How often will be post on LInkedIn? A fixed weekly schedule on a certain day works best for starters, the frequency of which can be increased.

Networking and Engagement: As your private LinkedIn manager, I will need to become your Admin for either just the Company Page or combined with your Personal Profile. This helps to proactively engage with relevant prospects, initiate connections, follow their company pages and follow up on leads.

Using personalized messages on LinkedIn demonstrates genuine interest and facilitate meaningful connections. By following your prospects’ Company Pages your Company Page will be followed back and posts will be available for employees to share in their network.

Monitoring and Reporting: We will agree on a weekly set of hours (min. of 4hrs/wk) and an hour rate to monitor engagement on the posts, respond to comments, and track performance metrics. Regular reports on key metrics such as profile views, engagement rates, and connection growth keep the owner informed of progress. They will be stored in an excel sheet. This can later be upgraded to automatic (paid) tools.

Owner Involvement: While your Private LinkedIn Manager handles day-to-day LinkedIn activities, the business owner is expected to remain involved in high-priority interactions such as client meetings or partnership negotiations. The LinkedIn Manager’s efforts should complement the owner’s personal outreach efforts rather than replace them.

In summary, hiring a private LinkedIn Manager offers small business owners a strategic approach to leveraging the platform for business growth.
By outsourcing time-consuming tasks and tapping into expertise, owners can unlock the full potential of LinkedIn as a powerful tool for networking, brand building, and lead generation.

I’m available to do this strategic networking job for you and help you grow your business. Send me a DM or connect with me on LInkedIn and we can start our talk.

May 24, 2024 at 11:14 am Leave a comment

Offside Speakers: Music in the Referee’s Domain

On entering my dressingroom, I noticed a few small bags, but not typical ref bags.

But on my return from my game there was another huge one with a ref picking his gear from a large collection of shirts and socks.

So far nothing remarkable. But what stunned me was his bluetooth speaker blasting loud music. I was changing clothes and taking a shower, but no apologies for his claiming the locker room.

I just asked him the obvious question if this was his music, but too surprised to make a further comment. Luckily he left after 5 mins for his own game preps and I was left ‘in peace’.

I can imagine that when you are on your own or with two AR’s, this could be a relaxed way to prepare. But in company I think this is not-done.

April 20, 2024 at 3:56 pm Leave a comment

Don’t be a bore, learn a new language!

I recently wrote a blog about the much talked about mantra created by Iris Apfel: “More is more and less is a bore“.

Her mantra hit me as an encouragement to embrace abundance, diversity, and a richness of experiences in life. I also realized that combining her, maybe peculiar sounding philosophy with a sense of curiosity can in fact lead to a more vibrant and fulfilling life.

One of the things you could consider is learning a new language. Whether as part of your new expat adventure, or just picking up a language that has connections to your own native language. Like Dutch!
In fact, learning a new language is an excellent way to leverage your curiosity. Here’s I how I think incorporating language learning aligns with the sense of curiosity and the benefits it can bring:

  1. Cultural Exploration: Language and culture are deeply intertwined. Learning a new language provides a gateway to understanding different cultures, traditions, and ways of thinking. I learned a lot from working with both Japanese and American colleagues and even learn basic Japanese words and expressions.
  2. Expanded Communication Skills: Learning a new language enhances your communication skills, not just in the target language but also in your native language. It challenges you to express ideas more precisely and broadens your ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds. Once you start dreaming in the other language, you know you are hooked!
  3. Intellectual Stimulation: Acquiring a new language involves grasping grammar rules, vocabulary, and syntax. This mental exercise stimulates your brain, enhances cognitive functions, and keeps your mind agile. It’s a constant learning process that taps into your natural curiosity. No matter what age you are, new languages can still be learned and keeps you mentally healthy.
  4. Professional Opportunities: Knowing multiple languages can open doors to new professional opportunities. It makes you a valuable asset in a globalized world where multilingualism is increasingly sought after. Your curiosity-driven language skills can set you apart in various fields.
  5. Personal Growth: Learning a language requires persistence, dedication, and resilience. Overcoming the challenges of language acquisition contributes to personal growth, building confidence and a sense of accomplishment. It teaches you to embrace challenges and stay curious about your own abilities. Even when you know another language, you could dive deeper and earn degrees.
  6. Travel Enrichment: If you enjoy traveling, knowing the local language enhances your overall experience. It allows you to connect with locals on a deeper level, navigate unfamiliar places more comfortably, and fully immerse yourself in the richness of different cultures. And make new friends!
  7. Increased Empathy: Understanding another language can lead to increased empathy. It enables you to better comprehend the nuances of different cultures, appreciate different worldviews, and builds a more inclusive mindset. It also taught me to appreciate my own native culture while looking at it from a distant.
  8. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Language learning involves solving linguistic puzzles, understanding different sentence structures, and adapting to new ways of expressing ideas. These skills transfer to other areas of your life, contributing to enhanced problem-solving abilities.

I’m convinced that incorporating language learning into your curiosity-driven lifestyle adds a dynamic and enriching dimension. It not only offers practical benefits but also deepens your understanding of the world, fostering a lifelong love for exploration and discovery. Don’t wait any longer but find yourself a tutor showing you the way in that other language. Enjoy the new dimensions!

March 5, 2024 at 12:06 pm Leave a comment

Lost in Translation: The Delicate Dance Between English and Dutch

Remember those hilariously embarrassing press conferences with Dutch football coach Louis van Gaal?
We couldn’t help but crack up, especially when he attempted (or struggled) to speak English while managing Manchester United.
It was like he was thinking in Dutch and just hoping everyone would get what he was saying.
Ever wondered how to avoid those language blunders and get your English game on point as a Germanic native? Well, here are some common pitfalls that folks from Germanic languages, like Dutch and German, might stumble upon when diving into English.

  1. False Friends and Cognates: Speakers of Germanic languages may fall into the trap of “false friends” – words that look similar in English but have different meanings. A tutor can help unravel these linguistic pitfalls, preventing embarrassing misunderstandings in professional communication.
  2. Directness vs. Indirectness: Germanic languages are often known for their direct communication style. However, English, especially in a business context, may favor a more indirect approach. Tutors can guide learners on striking the right balance, ensuring effective communication without sounding overly blunt.
  3. Word Order and Sentence Structure: The word order and sentence structure in English can differ significantly from Germanic languages. Tutors can assist in overcoming these structural differences, ensuring that written and spoken English flows naturally and professionally.
  4. Politeness and Formality: The level of formality and politeness in English can be nuanced. Germanic languages may have different cultural norms in this regard. Tutors can help learners navigate the subtleties of politeness and formality to avoid unintended offense or informality in professional interactions.
  5. Subtle Social Codes: English speakers (both British and American) have a knack for using subtle social cues and coded language that might catch you off guard. Phrases like “We should have a beer sometime” or “Let’s grab coffee soon” may sound like casual invitations, but they often serve as polite ways to end a conversation without any real intention of meeting up. Be mindful of these social nuances to avoid any confusion in your interactions.
    Other examples include “We’ll see,” “I’ll think about it,” or “That’s an interesting idea.” These phrases might not always convey a concrete plan, so it’s essential to navigate these subtle social codes to understand the true meaning behind the words.
  6. Articles (a, an, the): The use of articles in English can be tricky for speakers of Germanic languages, as they may not use articles in the same way. Tutors can provide targeted exercises and guidance to help learners master the proper usage of articles in business communication.
  7. Phrasal Verbs and Idioms: English is rich in phrasal verbs and idioms, which can be challenging for speakers of Germanic languages. Tutors can shed light on these expressions and help learners incorporate them appropriately, enhancing their overall fluency and understanding in a business context.
  8. Pronunciation Challenges: Pronunciation discrepancies between Germanic languages and English can lead to misunderstandings. Tutors can work on refining pronunciation, ensuring that professionals are easily understood and confident in their spoken English.

Being aware of these language differences and pitfalls is the first step towards overcoming them. A tutor specializing in Business English can provide targeted support to help professionals from Germanic language backgrounds navigate these challenges successfully.

February 14, 2024 at 10:17 am Leave a comment

Benefits of Learning English with a Private Tutor

Since Covid we all got used to work from home and have online meetings as alternative for face-to-face meetings. It is also become quite normal to follow online language courses, think of DuoLingo for example.

But also hiring a tutor to have online conversations to improve your L2 language skills has become very popular. With a private English tutor, you will be able to meet specific learning needs that online resources may not always provide. With one-on-one lessons from native or near-native language tutors, you can easily achieve better English language fluency. 

One-on-one English lessons with a private English teacher allow you to have the undivided attention you deserve at the most convenient time. Private English lessons are customised to your learning goals and to your rhythm and agenda. Perhaps you are interested specifically in Business English? Or you are about to enter into a business relationship where English is spoken – it’s necessary to speak good English, even when the others are not native speakers themselves.

When you learn English with a TEFL qualified tutor, you get direct answers to all of your questions, this helps you improve your language skills faster in areas you struggle with, from pronunciation, and vocabulary to other grammar issues. Private English teachers can immediately identify your mistakes and correct your inaccuracies as they were trained to identify typical mistakes and L1 (e.g. Spanish) interference with your L2 language (English).

Everyone learns a new language at a different pace. Perhaps you are excellent at English grammar but struggle with pronunciation basics. You learned grammar and vocabulary from the books, but struggle with pronunciation. Or perhaps you excel in conversational English but struggle with foundational reading and writing. In a group class, the tutor will move on if the majority of the class understands. With a one-on-one English lesson, not only can your private English tutor work at a pace you are comfortable with, they can adapt their teaching methods as well for you.

Concluding: do you work with unusual scheduling needs? Are you preparing for an English proficiency test? Or just need more intensive English classes? No problem, you can work with your TEFL qualified English tutor to find a time and frequency that suits you.

February 9, 2024 at 11:03 am Leave a comment

Mastering Business English: The Tutor Advantage (Li 6/02/24)

Ever found yourself at a tradeshow, kicking yourself for missing a golden opportunity because the right words slipped away? Or: you run into that elusive prospect in the city, but your elevator pitch is nowhere to be found. And in a crucial Zoom meeting, those split-second interruptions for a clear pitch just never seem to materialize.

That’s where the game-changing magic of a Business English tutor comes in – not just to save the day, but to arm you with the language artillery for every professional encounter. Let’s dive into why having a tutor is the secret weapon you’ve been missing all along.
Unlock your success: here are 10 essential factors to consider why you should hire an English tutor.

  1. Communication is Key: In the business world, effective communication is like the secret sauce to success. Tutors can help professionals navigate the intricacies of Business English, ensuring that they can express themselves clearly and confidently.
  2. Tailored Learning Experience: Tutors provide a personalized learning experience, addressing individual strengths and weaknesses. This beats a one-size-fits-all approach, allowing learners to focus on the specific aspects of Business English that matter most to them.
  3. Industry Jargon Decoded: Business English isn’t just about grammar and vocabulary; it’s about understanding industry-specific jargon. Tutors can help demystify these terms, ensuring that professionals can speak the language of their field fluently.
  4. Boosting Confidence: Confidence is half the battle in business interactions. A tutor’s guidance can boost confidence levels, helping individuals feel more comfortable in meetings, presentations, and negotiations.
  5. Polishing Professionalism: Business English isn’t just about what you say, but how you say it. Tutors can refine professional etiquette, from email correspondence to formal meetings, enhancing overall professionalism.
  6. Keeping Up with Trends: The business landscape is ever-evolving, and so is its language. Tutors stay updated with the latest trends in Business English, ensuring that learners are equipped with the most relevant and current language skills.
  7. Cultural Sensitivity: Business English isn’t just about words; it’s about understanding cultural nuances. Tutors can guide professionals in navigating cross-cultural communication, preventing misunderstandings that could hinder business relationships.
  8. Time-Efficient Learning: Tutors provide a focused and time-efficient way of learning. With a tailored curriculum, professionals can make the most of their limited time and quickly acquire the language skills needed for their specific roles.
  9. Practical Application: Tutors emphasize practical application, ensuring that what is learned in the sessions can be immediately implemented in the workplace. This makes the learning process more meaningful and effective.
  10. Investing in Career Growth: Hiring a tutor is an investment in one’s professional growth. Improved language skills can open doors to new opportunities, promotions, and a broader network within the global business community.

In a world where effective communication is a game-changer, having a tutor for Business English is like having a secret weapon in your professional arsenal.

  1. “Mastering Business English: The Tutor Advantage”
  2. “Talk the Business Talk: Unleashing Potential with English Tutors”
  3. “Fluent and Fearless: The Business English Tutor Revolution”
  4. “From Lost in Translation to Business Brilliance: The Tutor Effect”
  5. “Elevate Your Career: The Power of Business English Tutors”
  6. “Words that Work: Navigating Business English with Expert Tutors”
  7. “Unlocking Success: Your Guide to Business English Mastery with Tutors”
  8. “Language Upgrade: How Business English Tutors Transform Careers”
  9. “Speak Business, Speak Success: The Tutor-Driven Language Evolution”
  10. “Beyond Words: The Impact of Business English Tutors on Professional Triumph”

Feel free to mix and match words or concepts to tailor the title to your liking!

February 9, 2024 at 10:39 am Leave a comment

Spanglish Tales: Spanish Learners’ Language Fusion Fun!

Cracking the code: Why Spanish biz folks struggle with English – Part 1

While being trained to become a TEFL teacher, I’m diving into the world of English from a different language perspective. No intention of making sweeping judgments here, but let’s uncover the hurdles some non-English speakers face on their journey to English mastery. Part 1: Spanish speakers.

1. School Stuff Matters: How languages are taught can be a game-changer. If schools are all about grammar and essays, chatting in English might take a back seat.

2. Blame it on Culture: In some circles, sticking to your native language is the cool thing to do. But when English exposure is limited, speaking it becomes a bit of a challenge.

3. Subtitles vs. Dubbing Drama: In Spain, English shows and news programs often get the dub treatment. Great for understanding plot twists, not so great for nailing that American or British accent. It’s a real catch-22.

4. Not Enough Chat Time: Practice makes perfect, right? Well, without regular English chit-chats, fluency takes a hit. Talking to native speakers? That’s the secret sauce.

5. Oops, Did I Say That Wrong?: Fear of goofing up is the silent killer of language progress. But hey, making mistakes is part of the game. Time to embrace the blunders!

6. Language Jumping Jacks: Spanish and English aren’t exactly BFFs when it comes to language structure and sounds. Pronunciation can be like doing linguistic gymnastics.

7. Spelling Fiasco: In the English vs. Spanish spelling showdown, things can get messy. Blame it on English being a bit of a spelling rebel.

Navigating the language maze means understanding unique journeys, diverse learning styles, and the impact of culture. Stay tuned for more insights and different languages in the next chapters! 🚀

#SpanishEnglishStruggles #LanguageHustle #SpeakEasyEnglish

January 25, 2024 at 4:02 pm Leave a comment

Navigating Career Transitions (8)

Lately, I’ve become a big fan of biographies. You know why? I noticed that some of life’s greatest lessons come not from textbooks, but from the stories of individuals who’ve left an indelible mark on our world.

My love affair with biographies began with tales of WWII heroes like Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle, leading me through the corridors of power with post-war political titans such as US Presidents Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama.

Then there were the business moguls, the architects of empires like Steve Jobs of Apple, Richard Branson of Virgin, and not to forget the charismatic Dutch icons Freddy Heineken and Frits Philips.

Alongside these moguls, my bookshelf proudly hosts the tales of sporting legend Johan Cruyff and the wisdom of influential figures like Desmond Tutu, each narrative adding a distinct flavor to my reading journey.

What makes these stories so captivating? Well, they aren’t just chronicles of success; they unravel the failures and personal struggles these icons navigated. Now, every time I step into a bookstore—or, let’s be real, a second-hand shop—I head straight for the bookshelves, seeking out those biographies. Lately, I’ve developed a quirky habit: starting with hardcovers and picking based on titles. It’s a treasure hunt that often leads me to hidden gems for just a few pennies.

But why should you invest time in reading biographies? Let me share a few musings on that, added with some more reading tips.

Real-Life Inspiration: Biographies share the triumphs and challenges of individuals, offering genuine inspiration. Dive into their experiences for relatable and impactful life lessons. Examples from the last decade include Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” and Elon Musk’s “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future.”

Human Connection: Explore the personal side of people’s lives through biographies, connecting with their emotions, struggles, and victories. Feel a stronger bond with the subjects as their stories unfold.

Learning from Mistakes: Biographies spotlight the mistakes and setbacks of their subjects, providing valuable insights on navigating challenges and persevering through adversity. You should consider reading “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson and “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight for lessons in resilience and innovation.

Contextual Learning: Gain a deeper understanding of a person’s life by exploring the broader context of events and decisions. Biographies reveal how external factors, personal circumstances, and historical events shaped the individual. Try “Leonardo da Vinci” by Walter Isaacson or “The Wright Brothers” by David McCullough for historical context and profound insights.

Rich Narrative Style: Immerse yourself in the engaging storytelling of biographies. The emotional narrative style makes the content enjoyable and more memorable, a refreshing departure from dry business textbooks.

Diverse Perspectives: Embark on a journey through diverse backgrounds and perspectives with biographies. Expand your understanding of success and leadership by learning from individuals with varied life experiences.

Role Models and Mentors: Find inspiration in biographies as they guide you to potential role models and mentors. Discover qualities to emulate or strategies to adopt from individuals who resonate with your aspirations.
My favourite biography is Churchill: Walking with Destiny” by Andrew Roberts: This biography delves into the life of the iconic British statesman. Or what about “Mozart: A Life” by Paul Johnson: Exploring the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the greatest composers in the history of classical music.

So, are you ready to embark on your own adventure through the pages of biographies? This weekend, grab or download a biography on your e-reader, dive into the stories, and let the real-life lessons become your next source of inspiration. Happy reading!

January 22, 2024 at 9:47 am Leave a comment

Navigating Career Transitions (4)

When I realized my gig as an account and sales director was running out of steam, I decided to hit up my buddies for some career advice.
Surprisingly, our talks revolved around the idea of sharing knowledge and diving into teaching gigs. They were like, “Rod, didn’t you study English in college? Weren’t you a teacher at some training institute? And come on, you’re a football referee – used to taking charge and explaining the game, right?”
I nodded to all that. Even my English mate of over 40 years, now a headmaster, gave me the thumbs up as he considers me practically fluent in English, or near-native as they call it.

Then, my mind flashed back to the days working in Spain for a sister company. I recalled chatting with Spanish businessmen who knew their technical English but sounded like they were from another planet when speaking. Turns out, in Spain everything English gets dubbed, so they miss out on daily English sounds. It’s all just written words on paper for them. They could need some help, I thought!

This triggered memories of a business idea I had with a friend a while back – a course for Dutch businessmen to up their English game in pitching their business to an English audience. This was born from cringing at Dutch football coach Louis van Gaal’s English, which was basically Dutch with an English accent.
Lightbulb moment: why not use my English degree (yeah, it’s from 35 years ago, so what?) to snag a TEFL diploma and teach English in Spain to adults? Fast decider as I am, I took the plunge, signed up for an online TEFL course, and kicked off the first lessons last week.

Stay tuned for the next chapter in this adventure!

January 12, 2024 at 9:48 am Leave a comment

Are you talking to me?

Yes, he was.

It was a game I had been looking forward to: a 1st division U15 game, so high-level youth football.

The home team secretary always welcoming and open for a good game analysis. The host being a ref assessor himself, so I always find a good and honest sparring partner in him.

The game in Arnhem is always played at the great football training complex, part of the national olympic training centre. The only disadvantage is the main pitch, built in front of a huge stand, which forms again part of the total concrete building.

The away-spectators were pretty loud and one supporter in particular. In the 2nd half I started recognizing his voice and the usual comments. I couldn’t resist trying to spot the ‘angry bird’ and found him after yet another stupid comment. A fat, bold, 70+ guy.

Then it happened. I yelled back. “Talking to me, pal?” “Yes”, he shouted back and as result found himself in the middle of the other spectators, looking at him with pity. What a loser!

I distracted the negative attention and just laughed at him, focussing again on my game. Finished it and received positive assessor feedback. No reference to my spectator interaction.

November 7, 2023 at 5:50 pm Leave a comment

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