Posts tagged ‘social-media-marketing’

Elevate Your LinkedIn Game: The Secret Weapon of Private Managers (2)

The benefits and practicalities of having a private LinkedIn Manager for a small business owner.

In my previous post we talked about the need for a private LinkedIn Manager. You are conviced, but want to know what this this means in practical terms? This is what I would do for you.

Initial Consultation: We will always begin by discussing goals, target audience, and content preferences. This sets the foundation for a tailored strategy.

Content Collaboration: Next step is for the business owner to provide the manager with topic ideas, industry insights, and key messages to incorporate into LinkedIn posts and articles. We will do a few test runs and regular check-ins to ensure alignment and quality control. How often will be post on LInkedIn? A fixed weekly schedule on a certain day works best for starters, the frequency of which can be increased.

Networking and Engagement: As your private LinkedIn manager, I will need to become your Admin for either just the Company Page or combined with your Personal Profile. This helps to proactively engage with relevant prospects, initiate connections, follow their company pages and follow up on leads.

Using personalized messages on LinkedIn demonstrates genuine interest and facilitate meaningful connections. By following your prospects’ Company Pages your Company Page will be followed back and posts will be available for employees to share in their network.

Monitoring and Reporting: We will agree on a weekly set of hours (min. of 4hrs/wk) and an hour rate to monitor engagement on the posts, respond to comments, and track performance metrics. Regular reports on key metrics such as profile views, engagement rates, and connection growth keep the owner informed of progress. They will be stored in an excel sheet. This can later be upgraded to automatic (paid) tools.

Owner Involvement: While your Private LinkedIn Manager handles day-to-day LinkedIn activities, the business owner is expected to remain involved in high-priority interactions such as client meetings or partnership negotiations. The LinkedIn Manager’s efforts should complement the owner’s personal outreach efforts rather than replace them.

In summary, hiring a private LinkedIn Manager offers small business owners a strategic approach to leveraging the platform for business growth.
By outsourcing time-consuming tasks and tapping into expertise, owners can unlock the full potential of LinkedIn as a powerful tool for networking, brand building, and lead generation.

I’m available to do this strategic networking job for you and help you grow your business. Send me a DM or connect with me on LInkedIn and we can start our talk.

May 24, 2024 at 11:14 am Leave a comment

Elevate Your LinkedIn Game: The Secret Weapon of Private Managers (1)

The benefits and practicalities of having a private LinkedIn Manager for a small business owner.

In the midst of a casual conversation with a fellow small business owner, the topic shifted to our LinkedIn profiles. As we exchanged anecdotes about our online presence, it became evident that while I was actively engaged on the platform, my colleague was hesitant to dive in. That’s when the idea of a private LinkedIn manager sparked a discussion that would ultimately revolutionize his approach to networking and business development.

We talked about the benefits as listed below. In my next blog I will talk about the practicalities of hiring a private LinkedIn Manager for your business.

Enhanced Professional Image: Maintaining an active and professional presence on LinkedIn reflects positively on the company. It establishes credibility and trust among potential clients or partners.

Time Efficiency: As a small business owner, time is precious. Delegating LinkedIn management tasks to a dedicated manager frees up valuable time to focus on core business activities like strategy, client meetings, or product development.

Expanded Network: A private LinkedIn manager can strategically grow the owner’s network by connecting with relevant prospects, thereby widening the pool of potential leads and opportunities.

Content Creation: Many small business owners struggle with consistently producing engaging content for LinkedIn. A manager can take on this responsibility, ensuring a steady stream of articles, posts, and updates that align with the company’s goals and values.

Risk Mitigation: Fear of making mistakes or posting inappropriate content can hinder an owner’s willingness to engage on LinkedIn. Having a manager trained in social media etiquette minimizes these risks and ensures professionalism in interactions.

In summary, hiring a private LinkedIn manager offers small business owners a strategic approach to leveraging the platform for business growth. By outsourcing time-consuming tasks and tapping into expertise, owners can unlock the full potential of LinkedIn as a powerful tool for networking, brand building, and lead generation.

I’m experienced in acting as (and available as) your private LinkedIn manager. DM me if you want to talk about it.

I can describe the role of a private LinkedIn manager for you. A LinkedIn manager, whether in a group or business context, has various responsibilities:

  1. LinkedIn Group Managers:
  2. LinkedIn Business Managers:

Remember that the specific roles and permissions may vary based on the context and organization. If you need more detailed information, feel free to ask! šŸ˜Š

Certainly! A social media manager is responsible for managing an organizationā€™s online presence across various social media platforms. Here are some key tasks they handle:

  1. Content Creation and Curation:
    • They create and curate engaging content (posts, images, videos) aligned with the brandā€™s voice and goals.
    • They schedule posts to maintain a consistent online presence.
  2. Audience Engagement:
    • They respond to comments, messages, and inquiries from followers.
    • They foster community engagement by participating in discussions.
  3. Analytics and Reporting:
    • They track performance metrics (likes, shares, reach) and adjust strategies accordingly.
    • They analyze data to optimize social media campaigns.
  4. Campaign Management:
    • They plan and execute social media campaigns (e.g., product launches, promotions).
    • They collaborate with influencers and manage paid ads.
  5. Brand Reputation:
    • They monitor brand mentions and address any negative feedback.
    • They maintain a positive brand image online.

May 14, 2024 at 4:30 pm Leave a comment


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